Saturday, May 13, 2006

May 2006

I just got back from Antigua, Guatamala, where I spent a month studying Spanish and living with a Guatamalan family. I loved it. It is a great little town and their must be about 100 Spanish schools. I hope my Spanish improved, maybe si maybe no. Traveled from Nicaragua by bus and it took 2 days and an overnight in El Salvador. It's a good trip and I'd do it again. Everyone is very concered about your saftey, where you are going and with whom. The Tica bus is the way to go.

Samana Santa (Easter Week) is a huge time in Guatamala, and the Latino world. They celebrate for almost a month, and I was there for the highest part. The alfambra (carpet) is just one part of the celebration it is created from dyed saw-dust and takes about 12 hours to create. Then when it is finished, the procession walks all over it and with-in moments it is all destroyed, except they feel it is all worth every moment to praise Jesus. There were some very talented artists and they were all beautiful carpets.

I arrived in Managua, Nicaragua in November with no true plans just going to find somewhere to teach English. I sort of thought of traveling to Panama but no real plans. I just knew that I wanted to get out of Managua as fast as possible. I left my travel book in Bran's car so didn't even know which bus to take. I meant a pack-packer with a book and so we decided to share a cab to the bus station for Granada. I Found a great hostel and the girls that worked at the hostel suggested I stay in Granada and teach. I had planned on going to San Juan del Sur as it sounded cute. The girls changed my mind. I went to one of the schools they suggestd and never left. I was hired for 2 hours a day, but after the first day had 4 hours and more if I wanted. I was the first Gringa most of the students had ever talked too, and after the first few days they were all excited to talk with me. It was a really rewarding experience and now there are 3 Gringa teachers, and that is what the students want. Pretty cool. Again I do get e-mail from some of the students and I'm so proud of them. In 6 months it was amazing the difference in these students.
Granada is a lovely little town, very safe, not to worry. San Juan del Sur has a nice beach, but also lots of tourists and thousands of locals during holidays. Ometepe island was pretty interesting, and I won't tell you my favorite little spot cause its like fishing, don't give your favorite spot away, cause when you come back it will be gone. I'll just say its a bus ride from Granada, and maybe a hitch-hike down the hill.
I'm glad I went, and I'm really glad that I had the chance to teach such great people in a new situation. Once again I'll not forget my students, ever, they made my life so full. Thank you all.


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